wiki draft
A humanities based approach to formally defining information trough modelling 2018
A humanities based approach to formally defining information trough modelling 2018
Meeting 20240125 interview
Memo update 20231208
Memo update 20231208
Nips 360 ffs users manual volume 1 introduction to file concepts
Nips 360 ffs users manual volume 1 introduction to file concepts
Nips 360 ffs users manual volume 4 retrieval and sort processor rasp
Nips 360 ffs users manual volume 4 retrieval and sort processor rasp
Pacification attitude analysis system paas data file march 1970 december 1972
Pacification attitude analysis system paas data file march 1970 december 1972
Provenance description of metadata using prov with premis for long term use of metadata 2014
Provenance description of metadata using prov with premis for long term use of metadata 2014
Psychological operation information system psyopsis files march 1970–february 1973
Psychological operation information system psyopsis files march 1970–february 1973
Rdf data cube encoding of a hes nips data file
Terrorist incident reporting system tirsa data file june 1972
Terrorist incident reporting system tirsa data file june 1972