Notes/emacs-denote and most suitable way to work for us!
We need to decide which notes to publish and which not. PDF-attachments --> to discuss: need to link to them, may not
have rights to publish; M. doesn't want to rename his entire library.
Access to Unibas-server for P. is accepted; details via XMPP
We will include a statement/manifest on where to find literature and open access on the website
[x] Where is NIPS-version of "herbicide"? --> provenance (M.)
[x] What RDF ID properties are available from NARA? filetypes? (M.)
Website ""
[ ] Script for publishing notes via filezilla using ssh (P.)
[ ] sketch/mockup of sitemap/aesthetic (M.)
[ ] Hierarchy/sitemap draft in .md to include in notes (M.)
[ ] Can/should we use "eris", "git-annex"? (to discuss)