Documentation-Interview 1
An interview with pukkamustard on methodology and technicalities.
- "BSAM" vs "ISAM"? Which one is prevalent in our case? What are the specific consequences? 20230918T160130--data-set-ibm__s360
- Are there any significant differences between the results/output of PyNIPS and the ASCII-rendered datasets provided by NARA? Specifically: what does a comparison reveal for Heshes7172nipsreportascii and 20231030T130700--heshamla67nips-nipsext-info__hes_nips?
- "QTAB" is also the neame of a processor. We need a way to disambiguate and investigate relations between table an processor. How did the "dynamic table" work? 20231018T115442--qtab__hes
- How can it be that PSYOPSIS "logrec" length is in ASCII? 20231117T095507--psychological-operation-information-system-psyopsis-files-march-1970–february-1973__nara_nips
Collaboration and Documentation
- "What was the procedure for reverse-engineering NIPSTRAN? Which features did you want to keep, which did you want to change? Is PyNIPS significantly different from NIPSTRAN? In what? Is PyNIPS partly extensible/generalizable to parse similar file formats? Can FFTs be unambiguously identified?"
- "What is the expected/intended outcome of publishing PyNIPS? What additional information/documentation should be attached?"
- "Please describe your first thoughts/impressions when inspecting the HES data. Did you initially see (significant) differences between the datasets?"
- "Which information was/is crucial to understand the HES/OPSANAL system?(for you)"
- "Which properties of data and system appear to be significant in order to describe functionality?"
- "Which properties of data and system are required for simulation of the system?"
- "Are there any fundamental differences between working in a scientific/historic project and other forms of employment?"
- "Did you encounter difficulties in understanding or operationalizing tasks and research-goals?"
- "Do you see similiartities between the systems we investigate and modern database-management systems?"
- "Is ther a way to present/document intellecutal/analytical contributions of ALL project-members?"
- "Which principles of collaboration, software-development, data-analysis, open source and oen science can and should we promote with the project?"
Research Questions
- Relation Masterfile to individual datafiles? Can we reconstruct update/maintenance procedures? 20231018T114532--hamlet-evaluation-system-hes-basic-master-file-71969-11973__hes
- HES was revised twice. Is it possible that the ecistence of 3 FFTs is a result of these revisions20231017T092321--heshes7172nips__nips ? What would be an approach to invesitagte this?
- What information do "file maintenance" and "statistical" logical records contain? What can be done with them? 20231018T092546--nips-data-file__nips
- We need to collect and resort research questions on the fly. New note for that has been created at: Research Questions Ctrl + All