National Military Command System Information Processing System 360 Formatted File System (NIPS 360 FFS) is a file management/database management system developed by IBM. The IBM product seems to be have simply called Formated File System (FFS), NIPS 360 FFS is an adaption for the National Military Command System (NMCS).

User's Manuals

Volumes 5 and 6 are yet to be found. Volumes 8 and 9 need to be added to the repo.

In addition there are supplementary documents:

General File Concepts


NIPS 360 FFS is made up of several relatively independant components:

Data File

A data file is a collection of records readable by NIPS. See NIPS Data File.


The NIPSTRAN software can be used to decode NIPS files into ASCII tables as well as SQL.

The PyNIPS Python library is being developed to read NIPS files.

Further Reading

Evolution of Data-Base Management Systems (1976)

Paper surveying development of Data-base Management Systems and might provide some context for FFS.