- rdfs:range
- Province Capital USID
- province capital
- Revolutionary Committee
- Question Responses
- UTM coordinates
- Province Capital Name
- urban/rural
- activity code
- Model Rating Category
- Province Capital Village
- District Capital Name
- question text
- administrative USID
- District Capital UTM
- return to village
- village administrative center
- District Name
- Explanation of Non-Hamlet Population
- Village Flags
- record code
- Village Name
- record stop date
- Province Name
- model code
- Village Administrative Center
- GVN serial number
- refugee camp
- Model Ratings
- Admin Center UTM
- Village Admin USID
- hamlet name
- revision number
- Admin Hamlet ID
- record start date
- hamlet flags
- Province Capital UTM
- question code
- EBCDIC decoded content
- District Senior Advisor (DSA)
- District Capital Village
- question data
- district capital
- classification
- record key
- Type code
- Delete Code
- element label
- element name
- record control group
- element mode specification
- subset control group